Handwritten Letters

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 17.12.2023

Reading: 1 Min.

Below is the breakdown of what you should aim to spend when it comes to handwritten letters:

Target - 4,800 Homeowners Sent 2 Letters Per Year = 9,600 letters sent per year
Budget - About $1.00 per letter sent
                 (Note Card, Envelope, Business Card, Postage)
                 9,600 letters sent @ $1 each = $9,600/year or about $800/month

In order to hit your target of 9,600 letters sent we recommend sending out:

40 Letters A Day Monday - Friday, which results in 200 a week or 800 a month

Now I know what you are thinking...

9,600 handwritten letters...

That's a lot of writing. 

Yup. But guess what else it is...

Tons of future potential listings.

Now there is a light at the end of the tunnel, at the end of this challenge we will teach you how to automate this entire thing so that you don't have to manually write the letters.

That being said it will require you to significantly increase your budget so for now, let's stick to handwriting everything until we get into the habit of this.

Next let's get into ground rules when it comes to handwriting these letters:

  • Everything on the envelope & the card must be written BY HAND. 
    Yes that includes the return address as well.
  • Make sure you can CLEARLY read what ever is written.
    Quick Tip: If your handwriting isn't the best, it will get better after about 1,000 letters. 
  • Use the exact script we provide you below. Do not try to deviate from this, it works. 
    Please trust the process. 
  • Make sure to insert your business card in every single envelope.
  • Don't forget to drop the letters off at the post office every day. 
    (You would be surprised how many people do all this work & forget this part)
  • Use the following script:

Hey Mr or Mrs. [Last Name]

Would you consider selling your house at [Property Address]
to a prospect of mine?

[Your Name]
“Your [Neighborhood] Realtor”
[Your Phone Number]


Below is an example of EXACTLY how to write these letters:


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