How do you justify your value and your commission rate?

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 28.09.2022

Reading: 3 Min.

Read this on a BLOG and thought there were many great points. Being prepared to communicate the value you add to the process when you have an opportunity to represent a seller is critical,  you don't want to be thinking about all the things you wish you would've said on your ride home. Practice now so you will be prepared,  and of course always say it with a big smile (one that says wow, you need me more than I realized, without having to say those words🙂)...

During a listing presentation the prospective seller did not understand why they should pay the proposed 6% commission instead of just listing themselves "because all an agent does is fill out a little paperwork and cash their check...

Agents Reply...

I greatly appreciate your honesty and transparency! Your feedback and your kind words mean a lot to me! 

Understanding real estate can be complicated. Real estate operates by the simplest of economic principles… supply & demand. When supply is low, and demand is high- the price goes up. I wouldn’t argue the fact that in this market you can’t simply sell your house on your own- in fact I’m sure you can...  the question is, can you drive demand as high as I can? 

I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but the reality is my 24 years of experience in real estate  and my reputation drive demand every day. I’m known for it, and that’s why I routinely earn the commission I charge and validate my fee time and time again. That’s why people hire me over and over again, because it’s worth it. I can simply get you more money by driving more demand through my marketing machine- which I’ve built, tested, and improved over the of years. 

So, while you probably can get the job done, the real question is are you prepared to leave money on the table testing that? And In doing so, how much work are you prepared to put into doing the job just to make less money? 

Presuming the answer is still  that you want to do it on your own, just also keep in mind, getting an offer and navigating the paperwork is just the beginning of the process… the inspection, appraisal, mortgage, and closing process will require your efforts as well.

Several other reasons below on why to Hire an agent:

‘For Sale By Owners’ typically take longer to sell, sell for less money, and open themselves up to risk. This is because the Seller doesn’t know what the seller doesn’t know.  They leave value on the table and usually don’t know the disclosure laws.  Failure to disclose properly can open a seller up to a future lawsuit after close of escrow.  Failure to know and fully understand the contract can put the sellers at risk; prevent the sale resulting in tying up the property in litigation.

Investors use the fact that the sellers aren’t paying a listing agent commission as negotiating leverage in addition to knowing they can run circles around FSBOs because they’re not professionals. 

“By placing it on the open market and using a well planned, strategic marketing strategy, we will most likely get multiple offers which will bump the price up to more than cover commission, and you will have professional representation throughout.”

50% of houses are found online because REALTORS® have access to the MLS and most buyers and investors are hiring buyer agents which then give buyers access to all available homes that fit their criteria! If your home is not listed with an agent how are these investors/ buyers going to know your home exists? Unless they pass your home, or see it on social media where you have posted it. 

Once I post on MLS it syncs up with over 100’s of websites such as, Zillow etc. and not only that! I have agents reaching out to me daily waiting on my listings to hit the MLS or even purchasing before they hit the market! 

I know this is a lot but we still haven’t discussed getting your tenants out of your home! By law you and your tenant are in a legally binding contract. 

You have solar panels which is another big factor in the sale of your home. Which will need to be negotiated in the contract properly and legally. 

What happens after you receive a contract? Most likely you will receive the contract  from a buyers agent that is representing “the investor”which will most likely ask for 4% commission or higher because now the agent is doing both the work of a listing agent and a buyers agent. At this time the buyers agent works for the buyer. So, this offer you receive is going to be in the buyers favor and you are  un represented! 

There’s more to the contract than just the bottom offer figure. You will then  have to be knowledgeable of ALL the different loans that buyers or investors will be utilizing to purchase your home! As some third party addendums protect the buyer from the house not appraising. At this time the buyer can opt out of the contract and receive their earnest money back.(you are now on week two and have to start over from square one)! 

You will then have to be aware of all deadlines for Earnest and option money,inspections, appraisal, sellers disclosure, survey, financing deadline, HOA deadline and so forth. If you don’t meet those deadlines the buyer can get out of the contract and request their earnest money back. 

You need a professional to guide you through your biggest investment! This is more than a description of the property and photos! The most important part is the legal aspect.  It’s more than “just paperwork” I promise! 

“Good is the enemy of great ✨ don’t settle for just good”  I make the job easier for you, by a long shot and get 15% more than a FSBO 

Obviously I’ll respect your decision either way, but I would suggest, if you’re committed to going at it on your own, set a deadline, and know I’m always here to help! (Shared)

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