Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 24.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Starting October 12th!! (sign up below)

NEW BONUS CHALLENGE-- If you OPT IN to the BONUS CHALLENGE PLAN and you dont close a MINIMUM of 8 deals within 12 months of following this plan verbatim, then you will get 12 months of NO MONTHLY FEES!

You are NOT required to OPT IN to the BONUS challenge, you can just follow along with the regular action plan if you choose.

I will reach out prior to the 12th to see who wants to accept the BONUS challenge and will give more specific details at that time.

You do NOT have to be a PB to sign up for this plan, this is for ANYONE who wants to increase their production from beginner to advanced!

How does the ACTION PLAN WORK?

You will receive an email each Monday (for 52 weeks in a row) with 5-6 tasks that you should complete for that week. You will be asked for an update 1-2 times per week for accountability purposes. Following the plan verbatim will increase your productivity and your sales, AND will help create great habits for your real estate career! AND IT IS FREE! Sign up below:


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