Another update from the 52 Week action plan! THIS COULD BE YOU!

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 25.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Another session starting in June!

"Sent out 10 Thank you notes

Drove around looking for FSBOs, have a few that I’m calling tomorrow.

Got my First FSBO and sold their house within 4 days. Been working on that one and they finally call me and said they need help!

Picked up 3 buyers in the last 2 days off my signs at my listings!

Picking up another listing starting June 4th. That will make 6 listings I have, 3 under contract within 1 to 2 days.

Honestly a little overwhelming!!!

In a multitude of multiple offers right now with over 9 offers so far. Again this is so new for me!!! A lot overwhelmed!!! Lol 📷

But Happy as Hell, and learning everyday!!"

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