Here is an update from an agent doing the "52 week action plan"!

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 25.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

If you arent doing this action plan (and sticking to it), you are missing out on RESULTS LIKE THIS!

"I have been doing Face Time live showings all weekend on my listing. 1 from Kentucky, 1 from New Jersey, then another from Seattle Washington all looking to move here. It's been a freaking CRAZY weekend with over 21 showings, and offers coming in like crazy.

I have 2 more listings going up in a couple weeks. The Market is crazy with Buyers right now.

I have picked up 5 new buyers without agents. Crazy!

I have sent out more letters, and working on my videos!

shared my app, yay

Taking leads as well".

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