Hey guys!! I just wanted to tell you guys to hang in there with this crazy market!!

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 25.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Heres what you may not realize:

  1. You are not alone. 
    So many agents are dealing with fickle buyers, terminations of contracts, crazy appraisal values, multiple offers, unreasonable customers, you name it! If you think it is just YOU having bad/crazy luck, it ISNT!!
  2. It is NOT your fault!
    Im not saying we’re perfect but what I am saying is that we are ALL dealing with crazy, we are all wondering if it is OUR fault or our lack of finesse causing this....it is NOT YOUR FAULT! The market is still shifting and the unsettling times create unsettled emotions and actions. It is NOT YOU!!
    Trust me when I tell you that this CRAZY ROLLER COASTER of a market is not always going to be this way. Keep pounding away at the opportunities and stay consistent with your efforts and you will come out ahead when things settle down! Many agents give up during times like this because it doesnt make sense sometimes. However, those that push through this will come out STRONGER and more PRODUCTIVE than ever!
  4. If you want to talk, Im here!
    Anytime you need to vent, strategize or formulate a plan of action for your business. 

Thanks so much for all your hard work and team efforts!! We appreciate you! 🖤💛

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