Just a reminder, we are bringing bagged lunches to the winston AND West Jefferson office on May 8 at 12:45, for you to deliver to those in need in your community

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 21.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

💥 Agents in High Country and Triad, you will need to pick up your orders from those offices. 

💥 Please let us know how many bagged lunches you will need, we must have a number by April 28.   💥 Wilkes agents can join us at Smoot Park in person to hand out lunches to Wilkes families (or send them by in person)! We will be grilling/preparing at Smoot Park. 

💥 This is for our ONE day celebration! 

💥 email your order to: Teresa Overcash@gmail.com. 

💥 No orders can be processed after April 28th due to food purchase timeline. THANKS!

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