Let’s get more SELLER LEADS!

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 21.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

  • Go on FB (now) and send this message to 5 friends that are ACTIVE right now (green dot next to their name on messenger):


Hope you're doing well. I'm spending some time today creating custom CMA's for a few of my favorite people!  

This is a detailed report that will show you what your home is worth and what other homes near your's have sold for recently.

Normally, I only do these if someone is selling their home, but I decided that getting a report like this would be valuable even if you aren't. Want one for your home?”

*THIS IS A NON AGGRESSIVE WAY TO ADD VALUE TO YOUR SOI (sphere of influence- aka contacts/database) AND BE HELPFUL. 

💥Get Ready and GO!!!!  

💥Happy Prospecting for INVENTORY!!!

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