Motivation by the Numbers!

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 24.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Want to get excited about your business? Do this little math exercise to give yourself a boost...

  1. Count how many listings, pending sales, and potential new clients you have. Write that number down
  2. Write down your average sale price
  3. Multiply #1 by #2

I'll bet the answer is a pretty big number!

Now post that number where you can look at it every day, and work to convert each client into a new contract and a closed sale. If you need to add more to reach your goals, then do that too!

Motivation doesn't have to be complicated. Identify your goals, look at them often, then make them happen!

Have a great day listing and selling homes! - Sherri Johnson National Coach

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