You've heard me rave about HomeActions, a unique e-relationship platform

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 28.09.2022

Reading: 1 Min.

ROG Corp and HomeActions will be rolling out a new FREE service for any ROG agent nationwide. 

Since I have been promoting HomeActions extensively...Albert Clark, CEO has asked if we would like to be the "test" group before he rolls out to ROG nationwide.

I'm a team player so I said sure as long as my agents know it's FREE.  HomeActions is here for us during these tough times and by any measure these are tough times. 


The problem is...Agents need to stop wringing their hands and start being productive by organizing their database. WHEN the market resumes... and Mortgage rates are near 3 % again and we see first-time home buyer tax credits...will we be ready for these opportunities? 

Most of us  not ready because our contacts are scattered all over the place... in our phones, gmail, hotmail, MLS, scrap paper, get the message right?? 

How can you be ready?

One of HomeActions’ defining features is their ability to build a database for subscribers from scratch. They will work ( without charge) with our  agents to export contacts from all their systems; email, MLS, CRM’s the Cloud, Hotmail and others.  You will end up with ONE beautiful Excel Spreadsheet...with all your contacts in ONE place! Yesss.....AND CAN PUT IT INTO MOXI ENGAGE FOR YOU!

Who will be first to take advantage of this FREE offer? I hope all our agents at ROG...cause it's FREE. 

All you need to do is email  and let them know you're at ROG you want to take advantage of their offer.   HomeActions will then advise you what your next step will be.

Being a ROG Partner, HomeActions is to be commended on this offer to help our agents be prepared for a successful comeback!


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