SkySlope - How to Create a Listing with Skye

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 06.10.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Create a Listing: You'll need to create a Listing within SkySlope when you're representing the seller or landlord of a property that is for sale or for lease. When you're creating your Listing, you will input some basic information (such as the listing & listing expiration dates, list price, seller's name(s) and contact information). After you've submitted this information, you'll be taken to the Checklist for that file.

Each file has its own Checklist, which is a list of documents that your office has deemed pertinent to the type of file you’re creating (which is based off the Checklist Type you select on the first page of creating your Listing, such as “lease” or “listing”). There are checklists for a traditional sales, new construction, vacant land, commercial sales, and referrals. The documents on the Checklist that are listed as Required have to be uploaded and submitted for review before you’re able to “Accept a Contract” within SkySlope, and convert your Listing file into a Transaction file that your admins can close out. This guide will show you how to create a Listing.

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