Friday Coaching Tip

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 23.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Good Morning and Happy Friday!

☄️ Mastering video in the first quarter to take 21 listings.

No im not talking about fancy lights and cameras, I'm referring specifically to your camera phone video capabilites + the Facebook live feature. One of the best things you can do for video (and it'll help your social media folllowing) is to go live on Facebook then immediately download that video in HD quality. From there take it to your YouTube channel (yes you'll get left behind if you don't create one and you need a place to host your videos anyways)... drag and drop it into YouTube.. add a title and description and viola, you just created a long form video. 

For an added bonus, you can take the unique link that YouTube will create and place that in your next email marketing campaign or your website. 

My challenge to you in 2022 is to create at least 3 videos per month!

Lets have an unreal Friday and an even better weekend!

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