Great idea! Try “NextDoor” ideas to build your database!

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 28.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

Here is an example from one agent:

“I found a new way to add people to my database. We have an app called Nextdoor which is similar to FB for your area. 

Last week, a woman posted about a Border Collie she had picked up on the hwy. I sent her a message and told her if she needed help getting the dog scanned for a chip etc to give me a call. Long conversations followed.

Yesterday, there was an ad for free peaches. I went and picked enough for 6 jars of peach butter, brought them grapes and a long conversation ensued.

Today, a woman asked if anyone had a peeler/corer for sale.. (apple season here) I sent her a post and told her that I wasn't willing to sell mine, but I was more than happy to loan it to her. Meeting her this afternoon and I expect another long conversation! 

Being a good neighbor for the win!”

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Join me on Nextdoor, an app for neighborhoods where you can get local tips, buy and sell items, and more

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