The “Fizbonanza” Script

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 27.09.2022

Reading: 1 Min.


Below I share the simple step-by-step process I use to take FSBO listings making 3 phone calls or less per week.

Also included is a download of the exact script I use. Keep reading...

Quick Disclaimer: No experience needed.

Doesn't matter whether you're brand new or a 25-year vet.

Do the steps; you'll get results.

Here's the basic outline...

Find a lead source

Create an irresistible offer

Pitch until you get a yes


Now let's talk specifics.

Step 1: Find a lead source

Your lead source will be

This is a tool we built to let you quickly download a list of all FSBOs in your market, complete with phone number and mailing address.

This morning I downloaded a list of 67 FSBOs in <2min.

Step 2: Create an irresistible offer

You will use a 2-part offer.

Create an awesome listing video

Fix their Zillow listing

Here's how it works.

Call through your list of FSBOs.

Ask them if it's okay to take a video of the property.

If they ask why, tell them you are getting ready for a VERY busy season, and you want to be able to show out-of-town buyers the best listings. Plus many people will continue to prefer "virtual" showings after covid-19.

They will agree.

Take a few great photos and video clips. Then use Listing Cake to create an awesome listing video. CLICK HERE:

After you create the video, call them back.

Btw they will absolutely love you. We've prepped them for part 2 of our irresistible offer.

Offer to fix their Zillow listing.

FSBO listings on Zillow are great at generating leads for Zillow. They suck at generating leads for the seller.

We help them fix that.

See before (lead gen for Zillow):

We can fix that. All we do is run the photo through our Photo Branding Tool. CLICK HERE:

See after (lead gen for seller):

We give the seller the choice to put their own contact info on the photo OR use our text auto-responder service.

9 out of 10 sellers choose our auto-responder. So now we're collecting awesome buyer leads from their Zillow listing (bonus!).

However, even if they choose their own contact info, we are thrilled to help. All we do is text them once every 10 days to see how things are goings, if they have had any showings etc.

Within 1 month they will be frustrated and considering listing with an agent.

YOU will be the first agent they interview for the job.

Download: Entire FSBO Script (Google Docs) HERE:

Step 3: Pitch until you get a yes

Download the Fizbonanza list as a .csv.

Here's how the numbers work...

67 total leads

22 (33%) will say yes to the video

16 (75%) will say yes to fixing their Zillow listing

12 of those sellers (75%) WILL list with an agent eventually

You can convert 50% or more

New listings: 6

Avg list price: $193,657

Total commissions: $34,858.26

Step 4: Repeat

You can repeat the same strategy every 90 days (4x per year) for a total of 24 listings and $139k additional commissions per year.

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