Agents keeps asking me why the leads they are generating on social media are not quality leads

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 20.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

The answer is very simple… 

In today’s social media landscape running ads and generating leads through facebook ads is very simple but to get leads that actually want to work with you is completely different. 

 Video marketing & branding are the keys to generating quality leads and the Like, Know, & Trust factor that we as agents need to build our brand and business on social. 

Focus on creating simple videos to start and just press record. 

5 videos to create: 

  1. Intro video 
  2. 5 buyer tips 
  3. 5 seller tips 
  4. Property tour 
  5. Cost of living in your city

Try it! (Shared)

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