OPCITY ALERT!! If you are using OPCITY, please note that one of the MAIN factors that determines how many HIGH QUALITY LEADS WE GET is the "MET RATE". What and Why is this?

Written by Teresa Tedder Overcash

Last Updated: 27.09.2022

Reading: 0 Min.

  1. BECAUSE, IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT MEETING WITH THE CUSTOMER IN PERSON ASAP, DRASTICALLY INCREASES THE RATE OF CLOSINGS, OPCITY keeps up with how quickly and consistently you meet with the customers! This is called your "MET RATE", how quickly (and consistently) you meet your customer in person!
  2. As you record this information in your weekly updates to OPCITY, they will calculate your MET RATE and the HIGHER our MET RATE is, the HIGHER the quality and frequency of the leads we get!
  3. Therefore, make SURE that you are meeting your OPCITY leads asap IN PERSON as this has been statistically PROVEN to increase closing rates for ONLINE LEADS!! Also, make SURE you are reporting this in your weekly updates so that we get credit for this as well! Thanks for all you do!

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